Q: I have a question or need help. Who do I contact?
A: Please email info@barbershopfestival.com.au or text 0457 506 205. We will generally respond within 48 hours.

Q: I want to register as a Festival delegate. How do I do that?
A: From the Home Page, hover your cursor over the word DELEGATES. In the drop down menu click on Registration. You will find information about the Delegate Packages there. Please read this page carefully before you proceed, as it covers what events are in the package and what are not. You can select and pay for most unpackaged events during the delegate registration process

Q: I've already completed the process to register as a delegate and now I want to purchase some additional tickets to the A Cappella Spectacular Showcase of Champions Concert on the Saturday night. How do I do that?
A: From the Home Page, hover your cursor over the word EVENTS, then in the drop down menu click on Buy Tickets  and then scroll down to find the ticket purchasing process.  

Q: I am registering as a delegate. My partner is travelling with me but will only want to go to some of the concerts. Are they able to attend without being a delegate?
A: Yes, your partner can attend contests, concerts and other activities without being a delegate. The one exception is that they will have to be a delegate to attend the Welcome Gala. There are three ticketed events - the Quartet Final, Chorus Contest, and Saturday night A Cappella Spectacular Showcase of Champions Concert. You can purchase tickets to these events using the delegate registration process when you register yourself as a delegate. Alternatively, you can purchase tickets separately via EVENTS > Buy Tickets.

Q: I want to register for some of the additional Festival activities. How do I do that?
A: From the Home Page, hover your cursor over the word DELEGATES. In the drop-down menu click on Activities Entry. You are encouraged to take part in as many activities as possible to share the joy of barbershop throughout the Festival.

Q: Where do I find information about Pop-Up venues and schedule?
A: From the Home Page, hover your cursor over the word DELEGATES. In the drop down menu click on Activities Entry. You will find information about Pop-Ups on the landing page including a link to a registration form. Specific times for the various locations will be made available closer to the event

Q: I have already registered on this website, and I need to make a change to my registration. I no longer have access to the confirmation email that I received when I registered. What do I do?
A:  From the Home Page, hover your cursor over the word DELEGATES. In the drop-down menu click on Find My Registration/Order. Enter the email address of the person that placed the registration/order: and the confirmation email will be resent to you. There will be a link in the email to the page on this website that contains the details of your registration, and on that page you can modify the details of your registration or purchase additions.

Harmony Academy

Q: How far is Harmony Academy from Broadbeach?

A: Harmony Academy is being hels at PCYC Bornhoffen, Natural Bridge which is about an hours drive from Broadbeach.

Q: What about accommodation while I'm attending Harmony Academy?
A: Your Harmony Academy registration includes three nights bunk-style accommodation plus all meals. 

Q: Is transport to and from Harmony Academy being arranged?
A: Buses have been arranged to transport delegates from The Star, Broadbeach to PCYC Bornhoffen, Natural Bridge on Sunday the 8th of September at 3.00pm. Buses are also available to transport delegates to Coolangatta Airport (OOL), Broadbeach and Brisbane Airport (BNE) on Wednesday the 11th of September at 12.00pm. You will have the opportunity to select your transport preferences via the delegate registration process. NB: If you intend to fly home straight after Harmony Academy on the 11th, it is recommended that flights from OOL are booked no earlier than 2.30pm and flights from BNE no earlier than 4.00pm.

Q: Will transport to and from Harmony Academy cost me any more?
A: Transport will attract an additonal cost. Costs will be advised closer to the event.
Copyright © 2025 Barbershop Harmony Australia Festival