It was fantastic to see over the six Regions, a total of 72 quartets competed for qualification, a record high number, and up on 2023 (50 quartets) and 2022 (54 quartets), with participation up across all Regions. It was great to see members back in full force, with exciting events happening in all Regions. There were also chorus performances and contests held and lots of fun and camaraderie all round!
Of the 72 quartets that competed in the Regional contests, 15 were Senior quartets and all met the minimum requirement to be included in the top 45 quartets for the National quartet open semi-final which is a fantastic achievement. After reviewing the resulting cut-off score for the remaining 30 Open quartets at 67.7%, the BHA National Council has decided to invoke Contest Rule 7.3.3 and hold a
separate Senior Quartet Contest this year.
This will enable more quartets to compete in the Open quartet contest and lower the cut-off score for Open quartet qualifying to a more acceptable level. Effectively this will enable
up to 60 quartets to compete (45 in Open and 15 in Senior), rather than just 45, meeting
BHA’s goal of more inclusion and participation.
Invitations will be issued shortly to qualifying quartets by the Contest Administration team. Those Senior quartets which also qualified in the top 45 of all quartets will be given the option of selecting either the Open quartet contest, or the Senior quartet contest, but not both. This affects seven Senior quartets. Senior quartets that did not reach the top 45 will only be eligible to compete in the Senior quartet contest. Only quartets competing in the Senior quartet contest will be eligible to win Senior quartet medals.
The Open quartet contest semi-final round will be held on Thursday 5 September, with the final round of the top 12 (plus 13
th place as mike tester) on Friday evening 6 September. The Senior quartet contest will be held as a special event single round on Friday morning 6 September.
Any questions should be directed to BHA VP Contest & Judging, Ian Mulholland,, or